
So you can read Rascals books on the bus and in the S-Bahn on your way to school and to work. In the train and the subway it is also possible and when going home after school and after work anyway.

You can get my Scamp Books here:

I’ve been writing quite a bit. I’m sure you won’t be bored. I started at the age of 10 weeks and two days, when I moved in with my family. And because I experience so much and I always think of so much every day, I also write a lot in my diary. Because I don’t want to forget that. And it seems that others like it too.

One of my fans once wrote to me, if the world isn’t so nice to you, then you only have to read Rascals diaries, then the world is ok again. Nice, right? I’m quite proud of that.

Mistress always says that I always get everything mixed up. That may be true. At home, maybe so. But outside, I can put the world in order. And you have to have a place to let off steam somewhere.

Of course I can behave myself. But only if I like it. Occasionally that happens. But not as often. It’s boring, too.

Mistress writes, too, by the way. She doesn’t write as beautifully as I do and doesn’t get as much in addition, because I usually use our computer, but of course you can read and look at her books via the link above. And the pudding I get when you click on this link, of course I get it! Even if you look at my Mistress books.

But my fans and I have already explained to Mistress that a good book can only be a good book if I traipse through history. Now I’m allowed to do that too. I won’t leave my mistress alone until I’m in her book. Nice, right?